As you know, KUAC dismissed our Spring Fundraiser, but thanks to the generosity of Design Alaska, GHEMM Company, Rasmuson Foundation through Rebecca Brice Henderson, and Pete Rob, we have an amazing opportunity to raise $40,000 on Friday, May 1 during our May One Match. Donations made between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. on Friday will be doubled!
We’re calling it MOM Day (MAY ONE MATCH DAY).
We need your help now to make our news coverage and other programming a reality in the critical weeks ahead. You and KUAC share a commitment to factual reporting without conjecture or hype. And we can continue that work with your financial support.
I know our community will find ways to weather this crisis, and, with your help, KUAC will be there every step of the way. Your part for Friday? Visit our GIVE NOW page or call 907.474.5822. If you donate $20 it instantly becomes $40, $100 becomes $200 and so on. (Gifts are still available including the Todd Sherman poster, the Mason Jar radio set to KUAC FM and more.)